Sunday, February 14, 2010

this never happened.

once upon a time there was a girl who was lonely. she had friends off in other parts of the world, but she knew that was irrelevant and that truly she was alone and had no one. she had heard of a man through a mention of adoration by someone who was very very important to her. almost too important, and she knew that that importance could not and would not last forever and that she would need to be the one to sever that tie. as she heard more and more about the man, she because curious and when she finally met him, she teased him and flattered him and provoked him. she knew it was wrong deep down inside her, but it didn't stop her because she enjoyed the attention this man gave her. she would always act like she wasn't as lonely as she really was if she knew he was watching her, which he might have been. or he might not have been. she never looked at him directly, not once, so she was never certain if he ever truly looked her in the eye. and if he didn't, maybe that was for the best. maybe if he had he would have truly seen her for what she was, seen the pain that lay behind her otherwise confident and beautiful eyes.
she knew she could have any sort of power over him, but as time went on she began to feel the opposite, like she was slipping and now he had power over her and she could do nothing but keep flattering him, keep stroking his ego.
this girl lived in a magical land of hedonistic ignorance that she knew she had to leave, but she knew that even if she left she would always be bound to it. she avoided the hedonistic ignorance as much as she could because she knew she would never fit into the ideals of these people.
but when this man gave her attention, she could feel for a second that maybe she could belong, that maybe these people would accept her or maybe she could shape herself and change herself into these people's ideals. but there was a part of her that knew everything was wrong, that this man was wrong, that this wasn't love, that she could never even begin to change or even understand herself, and that she would probably be lonely forever.
she never told anybody what was going on, and if she did she never gave the entire truth.
the lonely girl never figured out if this man was aware of the power he had over her, or if maybe he was just an innocent little child at heart who couldn't take responsibility for himself or his actions. he seemed sincere enough, but there was just something about him she never quite trusted, and even after she was long gone from that magical land and he was long gone from her life she couldn't think of what it was. all she knew was that the heartache this man bestowed on her kept leaving and coming back and leaving and coming back until she had no idea how to fix it, no idea how to stop the dreams of him from flowing into her head, no idea what to say or how to get it off her chest and with that the stress became unbearable and all her hair fell out one by one and then her heart exploded. she died alone.


  1. stella you are exceptionaly great at everything you do.

  2. irie you have mad flippin skills at everything you do... like hunting wolverines...
